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The Berkeley Carroll Blotter

Remembering Aidan Silitch

The Blotter | May 8, 2019

Over Spring Break, on March 21st, Aidan Silitch '20 died tragically in a ski mountaineering accident on the North Face of the Aiguille du Tacul in Chamonix, France. We are going to miss him deeply on the Blotter, which he was a member of for three years and the Opinion and Humor Editor of for two years. We have put all of Aidan’s articles up on our website’s showcase, including one article that...

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The Smell of Money

Aidan Silitch, Opinion and Humor Editor | May 8, 2019

This article was submitted by Aidan Silitch in February for the 5th Edition of the Blotter. It was published posthumously by the Blotter staff. Click here to read our article "Remembering Aidan Silitch."     I take time to admire a pair of loose brown pajama pants. I turn the price tag over: $410!! I pull my hand away, for fear that I damaged them and would have to pay. I walk away...

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The Berkeley Carroll Buzzer

Aidan Silitch, Opinion and Humor Editor | January 28, 2019

Important News: January 28th, 2019   Parents in Shock over Swivel Desks Brooklyn, New York—“Look at this, Honey! What a cute desk!” exclaims Paul Abrams while on his tour of the Berkeley Carroll upper school. “Wow! Have you ever seen anything so neat? It’s so blue and round. rolls too? This is by far the greatest technological invention ever.” Abrams’s...

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An Anti-Fall Manifesto

Aidan Silitch, Opinion and Humor Editor | December 7, 2018

It’s that time of the year again. The leaves are falling, pumpkins are being carved, and a nip is in the air. That can only mean one thing: Fall has arrived. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t care for fall. I don’t see the point. Why do we celebrate a season that brings about allergies in of the 75% population and allows ginko trees to drop their pungent fruit? If it were up to me, I would completely...

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Sensational Sensationalism

Aidan Silitch, Opinion and Humor Editor | October 22, 2018

When one first arrives at VICE New’s homepage, it’s exactly what you would expect in this day and age. Tons of articles and videos slamming Trump take over the homepage, and the few that don’t instead seem to have the sole purpose of eliciting shock (see I got High off Edibles with Waka Flocka in Amsterdam, or We Asked an Expert Why You Think Cannibalism Is Gross). Does this seem weird to you?...

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The Importance of Tolerance

Aidan Silitch, Opinion and Humor Editor | October 2, 2017

If you’ve had the summer I had, then I’m sure you're mentally exhausted. The amount of political tension in the air was (and still is, mind you) palpable almost to the point of discomfort. I found myself getting headaches when I heard about conservatives and liberals clashing over events ranging from monument removal to repealing the Affordable Care Act. What stood out to me about these protests...

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Modern Media in this Political Climate

Aidan Silitch, Opinion and Humor Editor | June 7, 2017

Ahhh, Fox News. We all know it and I am sure we all love it. I mean how could we forsake a media outlet that puts out hard hitting news, such as “Inflatable Obstacle Course Stolen, Phoenix Police Say.” I know, I am in shock too. What's even more surprising, is that this story is one click away from “Comey Influenced by Bogus Russian Document, Reports Say.” By now, I sincerely hope that...

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SNL and Bipartisanship

Aidan Silitch, Staf Writer | February 27, 2017

  SNL has undoubtedly become a staple of American television. In its forty two years on air, it has created memorable one liners and quirky characters. But perhaps the most relevant, albeit controversial, aspects of the program are the political skits, more specifically the cold opens. In the February 11th, episode, Melissa McCarthy tore apart Press Secretary Sean Spicer with her shockingly...

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The Color Purple

Aidan Silitch, Staff Writer | January 26, 2017

When one walks into the Jacobs Theatre, they can already tell they are in for a treat. The stage has sky high wooden walls, adorned with rustic looking chairs. The musical not only lives up to the standards set forth by the set, but exceeds them exponentially. The play itself is an emotional roller coaster. While some parts of the play make you laugh, others make you want to cry and comfort the actors...

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Hidden Figures

Aidan Silitch, Staff Writer | January 26, 2017

The scene is  the American South, in 1962, where racial tensions are growing. Katherine Goble (Taraji P. Henson) is a black computer* working in Virginia, when she receives a call from Al Harrison (Kevin Costner), one of the heads of NASA. Katherine is to come in and double check some of the work done by the NASA mathematicians, effectively raising tensions in the workplace. The white, male mathematicians,...

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