The Blotter’s Music Selections for a Slightly Less Boring Quarantine

Well, it’s official. We’ve been quarantined for nine weeks, with no end in sight. For many, this time has felt like eternity. We’re stuck inside with our parents—whose annoying quotient seems to be increasing weekly—with no motivation to do schoolwork, and our cabin fever is getting worse by the minute. It’s like Groundhog Day, minus Bill Murray. It’s reached the point where many of us would actually prefer to be in live-and-in-person school right now. 

While living out monotonous days within the confines of our homes, many of us have turned to music as a brief, but much needed respite, from COVID-19 hegemony. So, the staff here at The Blotter decided to make a quarantine playlist by compiling some of our favorite songs from the past few weeks. The resulting playlist reflects the individuality of each Blotter member, while simultaneously being a community effort. 

This endeavor was inspired by the orchestra’s playlist, and will be continuously updating as more staff members add their contributions.