Welcome Back!

Hi Everyone!

Even though we’re already three solid weeks into the school year, I’d like to say welcome back! I hope you all had relaxing summers and are adjusting to school life nicely.  There sure is a lot of adjusting to do with all of the construction and new schedule and the like. This is nothing we can’t handle though!  I’m sure this year will be just as great, if not greater, than years past.  There is so much to look forward to, and so much to report on and read about!!  The girls’ varsity volleyball team is kicking butt, Macbeth is underway as the Upper School fall production and the political scene at BC is heating up.  I’m very excited to be leading the Blotter this year and I hope we’re able to give more voice to the students of Berkeley Carroll.  On that note, if you have something you want to say, write it down and send it to us!  Your thoughts and opinions matter and we would love to be the platform that gives others access to them.

Here’s to a great year,

Lindsay Nissenbaum

Editor in Chief, 2016-2017